- Main Toolbar
- functions like a combination of to the horizontal tabs and page controls of the default TW Sidebar. Clicking the icon of a tab that is already showing will hide the Main Side Pane. Clicking another tab will switch to the contents of that tab.
- Main Side Pane
- Shows the contents of the Main Toolbar tab icons (4 by default)
- Home allows for basic settings when first starting
- Content the first of 2 tabs that split the many TiddlyWiki Sidebar tabs into broader groups shown as menus. Contains a menu of Sidebar tabs related to accessing standard wiki content. Clicking any button under the Browse your content header will replace the menu with the contents of that Sidebar Tab. In my personal copy of this wiki, I also have a menu that includes buttons to create tiddlers based on templates. I left this tab sparse to allow for plenty of room to hold content-creating buttons, forms, etc…
- Custom the second of 2 tabs that split TiddlyWiki Sidebar tabs into a broader group. Contains a menu of Sidebar tabs related to customizing the wiki "back-end" rather than standard content. Clicking any button under the Customize your wiki header will replace the menu with the contents of that Sidebar Tab. Above the menu are settings specific to this TW Edition:
- Adjust the widths of both Side Panes independently.
- Toggle the Story River tabs bar. This bar is described below.
- Specify the width of Story River tiddlers by either giving a custom width or clicking the checkbox to just take up the maximum space available.
- Search holds the Advanced Search tiddler, I styled these tabs to made all the elements more obvious. I especially wanted the Filter tab elements to be more easily understood. I do realize that my layout removes the standard Search box and keyboard shortcut. Future plans include getting a keyboard shortcut back and maybe putting the standard search option in a modal dialog.
- Story River Tabs
- This still needs a lot of work but currently shows tabs for each tiddler open in the active Story River. The list-menu on the left and ellipsis button manage multiple Story Rivers that I can use like music player Playlists: holding groups of tiddlers for reference or export. Directly to the left of the tiddler tabs is a button that shows a popup with the standard "Open" Sidebar tabs that allows re-arranging the order of tiddlers in the river. In the future I would like to be able to drag the tiddler tabs left/right to re-arrange them.
- Tiddler in ViewMode
- I wanted a more sparse tiddler layout with the most-used options available.
- Clicking the tiddler icon shows the tiddler Information Panel. The panel has a custom layout that includes all the hidden tiddler control icons, the subtitle and the tags list.
- The Width-toggle tiddler control button (to the right of the Edit button) switches between the max-width and custom-width setting specified in the Custom Side Pane, mentioned above.
- The Move tiddler control button sends a tiddler in the Main Story River over to the Utility River or from Utility to Main. The Utility River is discussed below.
- Tiddler in EditMode
- mainly just re-arranged the elements, this still needs work.
- Utility Pane
- Shows the contents of the Utility Toolbar tab icons (3 by default)
- Utility River is great for providing a second Story River for comparing information or holding tiddlers for reference while editing in the Main River. Hiding the Main Side Pane and expanding the Utility Pane allows for both Story Rivers to have plenty of room side-by-side on desktop or laptop screens.
- Control Panel holds the standard TW Ctrl Panel, very helpful when customizing this wiki and editing related tiddlers in the Main Story River.
- TW Sidebar that holds the standard TiddlyWiki Sidebar. I might fix the keyboard shortcut to switch to this tab when using the specified Search shortcut.